Electronic Speed Variators ESV
After the presentation, several years ago, of the electronic speed variator “ESV” STM has turned back the concept of electronic variable speed motor in a motoinverter providing it easy to interface (electronic speed variator). This ESV version transformed the old concept of electronical motorvariator in a true motoinverter. We have an easy interfacibility with control system like PLC or microprocessor controls thanks to the input and output system digital and analogical, the serial RS-485 interface with the complete keyboard, we can configure our ESV easily. Just plug the ESV in and, without any need to set up programmes, we will benefit of a speed variator without risk of oil leaking!
After the presentation, several years ago, of the electronic speed variator “ESV” STM has turned back the concept of electronic variable speed motor in a motoinverter providing it easy to interface (electronic speed variator). This ESV version transformed the old concept of electronical motorvariator in a true motoinverter. We have an easy interfacibility with control system like PLC or microprocessor controls thanks to the input and output system digital and analogical, the serial RS-485 interface with the complete keyboard, we can configure our ESV easily. Just plug the ESV in and, without any need to set up programmes, we will benefit of a speed variator without risk of oil leaking!
After the presentation, several years ago, of the electronic speed variator “ESV” STM has turned back the concept of electronic variable speed motor in a motoinverter providing it easy to interface (electronic speed variator). This ESV version transformed the old concept of electronical motorvariator in a true motoinverter. We have an easy interfacibility with control system like PLC or microprocessor controls thanks to the input and output system digital and analogical, the serial RS-485 interface with the complete keyboard, we can configure our ESV easily. Just plug the ESV in and, without any need to set up programmes, we will benefit of a speed variator without risk of oil leaking!